Dabur Jatyadi Tail Ayurvedic Remedy for Wound Healing

Dabur Jatyadi Tail is an Ayurvedic oil designed for quick wound healing. It contains potent natural ingredients like Neem, Turmeric, and Beeswax, and is perfect for treating blisters, sinuses, and non-healing wounds



Product Description

Dabur Jatyadi Tail is an Ayurvedic oil designed for quick wound healing. This natural remedy is especially effective in treating blisters, sinuses, and non-healing wounds, among other external skin issues.

Key benefits and unique selling points:
– Accelerates the healing process
– 100% natural and free from harmful chemicals
– Sourced from potent Ayurvedic ingredients

Mention it’s an Ayurvedic remedy:
This oil is prepared based on traditional Ayurvedic formulations, ensuring that you receive the best of ancient healing science.

Key Ingredients

Ingredient List:
– Til tail: Sesamum indicum oil
– Jatipatra: Myristica fragrant
– Neem Patra: Azadirachta indica
– Patola Patra: Trichosanthes dioica
– Karanj Patra: Pongamia pinnata
– Madhuchchhisht: Beeswax
– Yashti Madhu: Glycyrrhiza glabra
– Kushtha: Saussurea lappa
– Haridra: Curcuma longa
– Daruharidra: Berberis aristata
– Kutuka: Picrorrhiza kurroa
– Manjishth: Rubia cordifolia
– Padmakashth: Prunus cerasoides
– Lodhra: Symplocos racemosus
– Hareetaki: Terminalia chebula
– Neelotpala: Nymphaea stellata
– Suddh tuttha: Copper sulphate (purified)
– Shweta sariva: Hemidesmus indicus
– Karanj: Seeds of pongamia pinnata

Benefits of Ingredients:
– Sesamum indicum oil: Acts as a base oil and nourishes the skin
– Myristica fragrant: Antibacterial properties
– Azadirachta indica: Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic
– Trichosanthes dioica: Helps in blood purification
– Pongamia pinnata: Dries out abscesses
– Beeswax: Moisturizing and protective
– Glycyrrhiza glabra: Soothes and heals the skin
– Saussurea lappa: Antimicrobial properties
– Curcuma longa: Natural antiseptic
– Berberis aristata: Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory
– Picrorrhiza kurroa: Detoxifying agent
– Rubia cordifolia: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
– Prunus cerasoides: Heals wounds and improves complexion
– Symplocos racemosus: Healing and anti-inflammatory
– Terminalia chebula: Detoxifying
– Nymphaea stellata: Soothing and cooling
– Copper sulphate (purified): Antimicrobial
– Hemidesmus indicus: Blood purifier
– Seeds of pongamia pinnata: Antiseptic

Why these ingredients are used in Ayurveda:
Each ingredient is meticulously chosen for its healing and soothing properties, drawing from centuries-old Ayurvedic wisdom.

Usage Instructions

How to Use:
Apply the oil externally on the affected area as suggested by your physician.

Dosage instructions:
Follow the dosage instructions given by your physician for optimal results.

Best time to take the product:
Use as instructed by your healthcare provider.

Any additional usage tips:
Ensure the area is clean before application.

Benefits and Features

Health Benefits:
– Accelerates the healing process of wounds and burns
– Provides relief from ulcers and fistula
– Enhances skin regeneration

Product Features:
– GMO-free and organic
– High-quality Ayurvedic formulation
– Certification and quality assurance from Dabur

Customer Reviews

**** “Helped with my chronic wounds in weeks” – John D.
***** “Excellent remedy for burns” – Ankit S.
**** “Quick and effective healing” – Sarah P.


Frequently Asked Questions:

**Q:** Are there any side effects?
**A:** Dabur Jatyadi Tail is made with natural ingredients and is generally safe for external use. However, consult your physician before use.

**Q:** Is this product safe for all skin types?
**A:** Yes, but it is advisable to do a patch test before using it extensively.

**Q:** How should I store the oil?
**A:** Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

**Q:** Can it be used on children?
**A:** Consult your physician before applying it to children.


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