Cansancio ocular: tratamiento ayurvédico, dieta, ejercicios, trabajos de investigación, yoga y pranayama

Eyestrain is a common ailment that develops when your eyes become fatigued from prolonged use, such as long distance driving or staring at screens of computers and other electronic devices.

Eye strain can be bothersome. However, it typically doesn’t cause any significant problems and goes away once you rest your eyes or take other measures to ease your eye discomfort. Eyestrain symptoms may occasionally be a sign of a more serious eye issue that requires medical attention.



Neck, back, or shoulder pain

Painful or irritated eyes

Dry eyes

Watery eyes

Blurred vision

Double vision

Light sensitivity

Difficulty focusing on tasks

Difficulty reading


Typical reasons of eye fatigue include:

Exposure to dry interior air brought on by HVAC systems

General exhaustion and stress that impairs your ability to concentrate

Underlying vision issues, such as unfixed refractive errors

Prolonged use of digital devices

Continual long-term reading

Driving a long distance


The most plausible explanation is that poor viewing conditions induce the orbicularis oculi muscle’s orbital part to contract, which causes the eyelids to squint in an effort to improve eyesight. It has been demonstrated that this causes a secondary reduction in eye lid blinking, leading to dry eye diseases.


A doctor’s diagnosis of eye strain is based on the patient’s history and the lack of any major eye conditions. There are no precise tests to demonstrate that eye strain is the cause of the symptoms. The degree of eye strain cannot be measured scientifically.


Letting the eyes rest.

Raising the room’s humidity and altering the workspace to lessen reflections, glare, and strong lighting.

Putting on the appropriate prescription eyewear or changing the typeface. Large-frame eyewear reduces air flow across the ocular surface, reducing dryness. Conversely, using contact lenses makes the dryness worse.

Using commercially available fake tears


There is no eye harm associated with the eye strain symptom. The outlook is therefore excellent. The aforementioned methods typically result in the symptoms of eye strain being relieved.


You expose yourself to blue light when using digital devices for a long time, which could eventually harm your eyes. Blue light could lead to:

Your retina may be having issues.


Macular ageing and degeneration

disruptions in sleep

Eyestrain in Ayurveda


All five elements are necessary for preserving the health of the eyes because they are one of the most vital organs according to Ayurveda. The muscle portion of the eye is governed by earth (prithivi), the blood vessels are governed by fire (tejas), the colour is governed by vayu, the white portion is dominated by water (apu), and the tear ducts and channels are governed by space (akasha).According to ayurvedic studies, an imbalance in the vata, pitta, or kapha doshas, one of the three doshas, is what causes eye disorders.


Dryness, blurred vision, and eyestrain are frequently symptoms of vata eye problems.

Burning, inflammation, yellow pus, and redness are all symptoms of a pitta imbalance.

Vision impairment, glaucoma, cataracts, thick pus, and wet eyes are all symptoms of kapha imbalance.

eye strain caused by the imbalance of warmth and cold (Ushnabhitaptasya)

excessive dependence on one type of eye work can cause vision distortion. Doorekshanat

Krodha, shoka, bhaya (eye strain brought on by rage, grief, and fear)

The repression of natural desires, or Vega vinigraha, causes eye strain.

Viruddha Ahara (food that is incompatible)

Vriddhi Ahara (meal that is incompatible)

Observance of Ratri Jagarati at night

Purvaroopan (Premonitory symptoms)

Aavila Netrata (who appears filthy)eyes that are filthy

Samrambha Netrata: Minor eye pain and redness

Ashru: Excessive eye weeping, lacrimal discharge

Kandu: The eyes are itching.

Upadeha: A buildup of filth on the body and secretions that make the eyelids sticky.

Eye heaviness brought on by vitiated Kapha, according to Guru

Pitta vitiation causes Oosha, which is heat or burning pain in the eyes.

Toda: Pins and needles caused by Vata vitiation

Rakta vitiation causes the raga to turn red.

Vartma Shula Kosheshu: Eyelid discomfort

Shooka poornaabham iva: An irritated sensation as though the eyes had been stuffed with paddy husk




Through the Siras (blood vessels), the vitiated Doshas move to the upper regions of the body. Once there, they infect the eye and bring forth terrible diseases.

Lakhan (sign and symptoms)

Cleanliness of the eyes (a dirty aspect) in Aavila Netrata

The Samrambha Netrata – Eye Redness minimally painful

Ashru: Lacrimation and excessive eye weeping

Kandu: The eyes are itching.

Upadeha: A buildup of filth on the body and secretions that make the eyelids sticky.

Guru _ eyes that are heavy because of a vitiated Kapha

Oosha: Pitta vitiation causes heat or burning pain in the eyes.

Toda: Pins and needles caused by Vata vitiation

Raga_ Rosacea brought caused by Rakta vitiation

Vartma Shula Kosheshu: Eyelid discomfort

Shooka poornaabham iva: An irritated sensation as though the eyes had been stuffed with paddy husk

Roopa Hananam: Devastation and blurred vision

Disturbance of ocular functions, including perception, is known as Kriyaa Hananam.



  1. Saptramrita loha
  2. Dhatri loha
  3. Dhatryarishtha
  4. Amalaki rasayana
  5. Triphala choorna
  6. Amalaki choorna
  7. Chandrodaya varti
  8. Triphala ghrita
  9. Mahatriphala ghrita
  10. Jeevantyadi ghrita etc


Netra basti

Netra Basti is a common Ayurvedic eye therapy in which medicated ghee is poured into a dough dam that has been formed around each eye. The oil enters the eye while the eyes are still open, curing a variety of conditions. If your eyes are itchy, dry, red, watery, uncomfortable, worn out, or swollen, Netra Basti is recommended. Additionally, this treatment is utilised to improve eyesight, stop retinal degeneration, and treat glaucoma. Please be aware that Netra Basti should only be performed by a competent Ayurvedic specialist, practitioner, or physician.

Tarpana: According to the nature and stage of the illness, specialised medicated ghee of choice (such as Triphala ghrita, Maha triphala ghrita, Jeevantyadi ghrita, Amalaka ghrita, Yashti ghrita, etc.) is filled within a well formed around the eyeball and retained for 5–10 minutes. Following this, the appropriate oleation, sudation, etc.

Putapaka swarasa – Similar to the aforementioned approach, medicated fresh juice obtained through the sudation (putapaka method) of medications such as Agasthya, Eranda, etc. is poured into a container before the procedure is completed.

Aschotana: 1-2 drops of medicated fresh juice, processed ghee, etc. are injected into the eyes.

Seka: Pouring fresh juices or calming concoctions will aid to reduce fatigue and strain.

Pindi-The medicinal paste placed over closed eyelids has been proven to be very effective in reducing eyestrain.

 Medicamentos de uso común

1.Saptramrita loha

  1. Dhatri loha
  2. Dhatryarishtha
  3. Amalaki rasayana
  4. Triphala choorna
  5. Amalaki choorna
  6. Chandrodaya varti
  7. Triphala ghrita
  8. Mahatriphala ghrita
  9. Jeevantyadi ghrita etc

Marca disponible





Sri Sri

Remedios caseros

Hair Oil Regularly

Ayurvedic experts claim that oiling your hair is a crucial part of maintaining good eye health. It promotes mental clarity and permits the natural elimination of extra ushna.

control over body temperature

Sookshma for the eyes

Do not repress your inborn inclinations.

Eliminate screen glare



According to your ability, constitution, and compatibility, use ghee.

Cow and buffalo milk

cow’s faeces

Cow faeces with curds

tahini oil


Horse gramme soup

angular gourd

fresh radish with plantains


Rice Wheat

Rock salt, green gramme, etc.

Barley in green grammes

Red rice is a variation.


Black gramme Masha

Aranala liquid produced by fermenting grains in water after boiling

Oil of mustard, or katu taila

Jala avagaha is dipping inside to take a bath. Water

Solanum xanthocarpum, Kshudra

Tribulus terrestris and Astercantha longifolia, both in Kshura.

Surata engages in excessive amounts of sexual activity

Jagara – the propensity to stay awake

Night time

Leafy veggies, or shaka

Amla sour things, fish, and matsya

curds, dadhi


  1. Cross your legs while you sit in the easy pose known as Sukhasana, keeping your neck, head and spine in a straight line. Breathe regularly while maintaining an eye-level frontal gaze. Keep your eyes moving up and down for two seconds. Take two seconds to close your eyes. Spend two seconds glancing to the right, left, and front. For 6 to 8 seconds, close your eyes. This ends the current round. Start with two to three rounds and work your way up to four.
  2. Combine the two palms. The right palm should be placed over the right eye, and the left palm should be placed lightly over the left eye. Avoid pressing the eyes. To relieve stress, take slow, even breaths in and out. 3 or more times.
  3. Bhujangasana (snake posture), Surya Namaskara (sun salutations), and Shavasana (rest position) are other asanas that support the eyes.
  4. Take a comfortable posture while sitting upright. Siddhasana, Sukhasana, or Padmasana are forward-extended poses where you extend both arms to the shoulder. This kriya improves mental stability and focus, fortifies the optic nerves, and treats eye weakness and some eye ailments. If done before going to bed at night, it treats insomnia.
  5. Engage in nadi shodhan (alternate breathing) pranayama to improve your vision. Always begin with the left nostril and finish there.
  6. El parpadeo frecuente ofrece a los ojos un poco de descanso y humedece las pestañas

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Por favor, consulte al Dr. Rajesh Nair aquí-


Dr. Rajesh Nair
Medicina Ayurveda, India

El Dr. Rajesh Nair, cofundador y asesor jefe de Ayurvedaforall.Com, es licenciado por el prestigioso Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College (afiliado a la Universidad de Calicut), Kerala, India. Además, posee un Diploma de Postgrado en Yoga Terapéutico por la Universidad de Annamalai.

El Dr. Nair ofrece consultas en dos concurridas clínicas situadas en Haripad y sus alrededores, Alleppey, Kerala, el estado meridional famoso en todo el mundo por sus auténticos tratamientos y médicos ayurvédicos. Además de ofrecer consultas sobre todos los aspectos de los tratamientos ayurvédicos, el Dr. Nair tiene un interés especial en Panchkarma, Yoga y Masaje.

A través de Ayurvedaforall, el Dr. Nair ofrece consultas en línea a pacientes de todo el mundo y ha atendido a cientos de pacientes en los últimos 20 años. Además de su consulta ayurvédica, es editor jefe de, el portal en línea de la Asociación Médica Ayurveda de la India, y secretario del Comité Estatal de Kerala de la Asociación Médica Ayurveda de la India.

El Dr. Nair es ponente habitual en conferencias relacionadas con el Ayurveda y ha visitado Alemania para propagar el Ayurveda. Puede escribirle

Whatsapp - +91 9446918019, +91 8075810816


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