KARINKURINJYADI KASHAYAM- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Karinkurinjyadi kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine for treating respiratory disorders including asthma. It also helps to treat other diseases with breathing difficulty as the main symptom.

Benefits of Karinkurinjyadi kashayam 

Karinkurinjyadi kashayam is used in acute respiratory infection, especially in children and old age.

It is very effective in the flare up of asthma. It works as a good expectorant, removes the phlegm and clears airways.

As the kaphadosha is cleared, Agni starts functioning proper.

By improving digestion, this kashayam improves taste and appetite; bio availability of nutrients in the food also enhanced. Hence general health improved.

As the obstruction in channels are cleared, Vayu moves freely in the proper direction and starts functioning normally. Vaatanulomyam helps relieve breathing difficulties.

It is also effective in sinusits and headache.

Indications of Karinkurinjyadi kashayam

Swasa                 – breathing disorders including asthma

 Ingredients of Karinkurinjyadi kashayam

Strobilanthes Sahachara Nilgirianthus ciliatus(Nees) Bremek /Strobilanthes ciliatus Nees.

It is used in neurological disorders, sciatica, glandular swellings and oedema.

Three leaved caper, Holy garlic pear Varana Crataeva nurvala

 It is a diuretic herb used in renal diseases. It stimulates digestion and helps in relieving abdominal pain and flatulence.

Himalayan cedar  devadaru Cedrus deodara

It is useful as an expectorant in cough. It relieves asthma and other respiratory diseases by clearing the airways and enhancing the movements of respiratory tract.

It has anti-diabetic effect as it helps reduce high blood sugar levels in blood.

It helps to calm the mind and improves sleep quality. 

Details of the manufacturing

 As already discussed, Karinkurinjyadi kashayam is prepared using 3 ingredients in a special ratio, Sachara 3parts, Varana 3parts and Devadaru 6parts.

All these ingredients should be washed well and dried up in shade.

Take the prescribed herbs in dried & crushed form in an earthen pot. Now add 16 times clean water into it. Make it boil and then cook in the open vessel with low fire. Reduce the quantity into one by eighth of the initial quantity. Make sure to mix it in between with a ladle. Also, the fire should be kept low to make sure that all the active ingredients in the herbs needed are absorbed well into the water. Once the quantity is reduced to one by eighth of the initial amount of water, remove the vessel from the fire. Squeeze and drain through a clean white cloth. Collect the decoction in a clean vessel and discard the solid waste. Drink the cooled decoction, adding honey to it. 

Dosha Dooshya Predominance with roga margas.

Karinkurinjyadi kashayam is Kapha-Vaatahara.

It acts on aabhyantara rogamarga 

Dosage and Usage of Karinkurinjyadi kashayam

Dosage: two Pala.


Kashayam is advised to take in empty stomach, once the ingested food is digested well and aahaararasa is formed well.

Usage of kashayam with prescribed prakshepadravyas according to the condition of disease and the patient gives the best results mostly. 

Exercises and Yoga.

As Karinkurinjyadi kashayam targets mainly respiratory system and immunity, only mild exercises are advised. Also, specific yogacharya including naadeesuddhi pranayama, bhujangaasana, is recommended.

In persons with fever and respiratory infections, physical exercises are not recommended.

Regular exercise after regaining normal health helps improve bioavailability of the food ingested and leads to positive health.

Yoga can maintain harmony within the body and with the surrounding system.


Nadisudhi pranayama


Simple exercises for lungs and heart health

All the exercises and physical exertions must be decided and done under the supervision of a medical expert only.

Recommended diet and behaviour


  • To be avoided

Drinking ice-cold water – loss of appetite and increased kapha leads to respiratory problems.

Heavy meals and difficult to digest foods – cause indigestion.

junk foods- cause disturbance in digestion and reduces the bioavailability of the medicine

carbonated drinks – makes the stomach more acidic and disturbed digestion

refrigerated and frozen foods – causes weak and sluggish digestion by weakening Agni (digestive fire)

Milk and milk products – increase kapha and cause respiratory problems

curd – causes vidaaha and thereby many other diseases

  • To be added

Light meals and easily digestible foods.

Green gram, soups, honey.

freshly cooked and warm food processed with cumin seeds, ginger, black pepper, ajwain etc


Protect yourself from cold climate.

Better to avoid exposure to excessive sunlight, wind, rain or dust.

Maintain a regular food and sleep schedule.

Avoid holding or forcing the urges like urine, faeces, cough, sneeze etc.

Side effects and contraindications

No known side effects reported.

 Classical reference


 Equivalent medicines.

Vyaghryadi kashayam

Dasamoolakaduthrayam kashayam

Brands Available

Please write to info@ayurvedaforall.com for getting the stock.

Research papers


Acute and chronic inflammation



anti-inflammatory and analgesic


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