Blefaritis- Tratamiento Ayurvédico, Dieta, Ejercicios, Trabajos de Investigación, Yoga & Pranayama

The chronic inflammation of the eyelids is referred to as blepharitis. Inflammation can also develop in the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers the eyelid and the eyeball. A common ailment, blepharitis frequently affects otherwise healthy persons. Rarely can the condition endanger the eye itself or result in irreversible vision loss.


The following chronic symptoms may result from eyelid inflammation:

Itching and irritation

A red eye

Scales and debris that resemble dandruff along the eyelids and lashes

Eyelid swelling and sensitivity



hormone issues

in close proximity to seborrheic dermatitis

obstruction of glands


tiny mite-like insects


A bacterial colonisation of the eyelids during the early stages of blepharitis results in a direct invasion of germs. As a result of the microbial invasion, pathogenic alterations appear.

Autoimmune-mediated injury

Damage brought on by the waste products, enzymes, and poisons produced by bacteria.

In the presence of meibomian gland dysfunction or seborrheic dermatitis, colonisation of the lid margin is increased.


The doctor correctly examines the eyelid to get the diagnosis.

Skin swabbing to look for bacteria, parasites, or fungi


Warm compresses

Eyelid scrubs

Apply baby shampoo diluted in warm water on a clean washcloth, cotton swab (Q-tip), or lint-free pad. Once you’ve done that, use it to gently clean the base of your eyelashes. Rub for approximately 15 seconds.


You could be instructed by your ophthalmologist to apply an antibiotic eye ointment. Apply a small amount of ointment on a Q-tip or a clean fingertip. Apply the cream sparingly to the root of your eyelashes. If your doctor advises it, do this right before bed. Additionally, your doctor could advise you to take an oral antibiotic medication.

Eye drops

Redness, swelling, and dry eyes may be reduced using artificial tears or steroid eye drops. Your ophthalmologist can advise an antibiotic eye solution to improve the function of the oil glands.

Skin and Eyelid hygiene

Maintaining clean eyelids, skin, and hair is crucial. This controls the symptoms of your blepharitis. Every day, gently wash your eyelashes with warm water and baby shampoo. Use an antibacterial shampoo to wash your eyebrows, scalp, and hair as well. There are several new antiseptic sprays that you can apply to the skin to prevent excessive bacterial growth.

Omega-3s (fish oil)

Omega-3 fatty acids may improve the function of the eyelid oil glands and provide symptom relief for certain persons.


Rarely does it totally vanish. The problem is typically chronic and necessitates daily care with eyelid washes, even with effective treatment. The condition could be brought on by a localised eyelid cancer if it doesn’t improve after therapy, if you’ve also lost your eyelashes, or if only one of your eyes is afflicted.


Eyelash issues.

Skin issues on the eyelids.

A lot of tears or dry eyes.



Persistent pink eye.

Corneal Damage

Blepharitis in Ayurveda

An eye condition known as Krimigranthi or Jantugranthi affects the roots of the eyelashes. It has a connection to blepharitis and pediculi ciliaris.

Location: Pakshma-Vartma, Netra, Eye-Specific location Eyelids and eyelashes meet at the Gata Sandhi, as do the eyelids and the sclera at the Vartma-Shukla Gata Sandhi.



Faulty oil glands in the eyelids

Allergic diseases

Dermatitis seborrheica

Wet eyes

Lashes mites


Kandu Wherever the krimis are lodged, there is itching in the junctions of the eyelashes and the eyelids (pakshma-vartma gata sandhi) as well as in the junction of the eyelids and the sclera (vartma-shukla gata sandhi).

When krimigranthi is not treated in a timely manner, the krimis advance further into the eye and wreak havoc on its structural components.


Different kinds of germs damage the eyelid margins or pakshma vartma sandhi, producing smaller cysts. The infection (krimi) enters the vartma sukla sandhi (interior of the eye) through the eyelid margin.



Dropping eyelashes

A stinging feeling

Burning feelings

From the edge of the eyelid, a purulent discharge




Local treatment

Washing with triphala decoction is known as pariseka.

With triphala, tutha, kasisa, and saindhava, Anjana is made.

Pratisarana: massaging with honey and saindhava


Kanchanara guggulu

Triphala guggulu

Manjishtadi Kashayam

Thiktakam Kashayam

Triphala Ghritham

Triphala Churna

Common used medicines

External uses

Akshi Tarpana Grutham for netra tarpana

Triphala varthi

Elaneer kuzhambu anjanam

Triphala prakshalan

Mukkadi purampada

Shalmali (Salmalia Malabarica) thorn paste application

Internal uses

Daru Haridra Seka

Triphala Rasakriya

Netra Pratisarana

Kanchanara guggulu

Avipattikara churna

Triphala guggulu

Pachanamrutham Kashayam

Marca disponible

Aryavaidyasala, Kottakkal

Dabur India


Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala

Remedios caseros

Application of a warm swab may lessen the swelling

dandruff prevention methods

Light eyelid rubbing

Aparajita Triphala






Nadi Shuddi Pranayam – relieves blepharitis-related eye irritations while calming the mind.

The patient must be seated in a relaxed, contemplative position with the head and spine upright. The patient must use his thumb to cover one nostril (the left nostril if using the right hand, and the other nostril if using the left hand) and fully exhale through the other nostril. He will have to breathe in deeply once more through the other nostril while maintaining the thumb-shut position of the opposite nostril.

To hasten the effects of the treatment, pranyama and savasana can be practised. Following the course of treatment using Ayurvedic techniques, Trataka kriya is strongly advised for eye care. Blepharitis can also be treated with the use of the Varuna and Jala Samhar mudras.


Ghee, milk, rock salt, honey, patola (snake gourd), red rice, green gramme, wheat, triphala (3 fruits), carrots, and leafy vegetables are among the foods that should be consumed every day.

Foods like sour foods, dry meat, alcohol, certain marine seafood, curd, cigarettes, too hot and fatty foods should be avoided.


regular walking

It is important to practise good personal cleanliness, especially to avoid coming into touch with infected people.

To protect yourself from UV rays, put on protective eyewear like sunglasses and headgear like hats.

Make sure you frequently receive quality rest.

Make getting up early a habit.

According to Ayurveda, massaging ghee into the soles of the feet is good for the eyes’ overall health.


A case study of blepharitis (krimigranthi) and how it is treated using ayurveda

An investigation of triphaladi pratisarana’s effectiveness for treating blepharitis in krumigranthi

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Dr. Rajesh Nair
Medicina Ayurveda, India

El Dr. Rajesh Nair, cofundador y asesor jefe de Ayurvedaforall.Com, es licenciado por el prestigioso Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College (afiliado a la Universidad de Calicut), Kerala, India. Además, posee un Diploma de Postgrado en Yoga Terapéutico por la Universidad de Annamalai.

El Dr. Nair ofrece consultas en dos concurridas clínicas situadas en Haripad y sus alrededores, Alleppey, Kerala, el estado meridional famoso en todo el mundo por sus auténticos tratamientos y médicos ayurvédicos. Además de ofrecer consultas sobre todos los aspectos de los tratamientos ayurvédicos, el Dr. Nair tiene un interés especial en Panchkarma, Yoga y Masaje.

A través de Ayurvedaforall, el Dr. Nair ofrece consultas en línea a pacientes de todo el mundo y ha atendido a cientos de pacientes en los últimos 20 años. Además de su consulta ayurvédica, es editor jefe de, el portal en línea de la Asociación Médica Ayurveda de la India, y secretario del Comité Estatal de Kerala de la Asociación Médica Ayurveda de la India.

El Dr. Nair es ponente habitual en conferencias relacionadas con el Ayurveda y ha visitado Alemania para propagar el Ayurveda. Puede escribirle

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