Picadura de abeja- Tratamiento ayurvédico, Dieta, Ejercicios, Trabajos de investigación, Yoga y Pranayama

Bees are common creatures all over the world. They do have a very important role in the balance of the nature and ecosystem. They help in the life of many plants and trees by pollen distribution. But coming to the relationship with humans, we are easily attacked by them. People grow honey bees to collect honey. Still there is the risk of bee sting for them. Children can be easily attacked by a bee while playing outside. Usually, severe pain and swelling develops on sting site. Red or blue discolouration can also be seen. Localised skin and connective tissues on the sting site become affected with the immune reactions. In people with allergy, serious problems can develop and the condition can be fatal if not managed properly.

Regarding clinical presentation, bee stings may produce different reactions from localised pain that goes away after a day or two, to severe allergic reaction.

Mild cases

Sudden sharp and burning pain on the site affected

A reddish welt at the area of sting

Mild swelling on the sting site and around it

Almost all these discomforts disappear within hours.

Moderate cases

With stronger reaction compared to mild, people may develop problems like:

Bright red colour on larger area of skin

Bigger swelling at the site that does not reduce after some time.


Severe allergic reactions include:

A severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis that is life threatening. It requires emergency treatment. Only very few people develop such serious reaction but it can be fatal. Clinical presentation of this condition may include:

Skin rashes like hives with itching

Pale looking skin

Breathing problems

Oedema of tongue & throat

Weak and faster pulse

Nausea, vomiting & diarrhoea

Giddiness, feeling dizzy and fainting

Black outs & loss of consciousness


People with such severe reactions if stung many times, the presence of venom may lead to severe toxic reactions and can be fatal. Multiple bee stings can also become fatal in children, old people, or people with heart disease or respiratory disorders.



Causes of Bee sting



When a bee sting happens, a small amount of bee venom is injected into the body. It may cause local allergic reactions around the area. Skin and deeper tissues are affected and an inflammatory reaction may follow.

But in people allergic to the venom, more severe systemic reactions may develop which can be fatal in some cases.



Complications & Treatment of bee sting

Bee sting is considered as an emergency and immediately given medicines for allergic reactions.

If anaphylactic attack develops, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is given immediately.

Further medications include:


Epinephrine or adrenaline to reduce allergic response.

Oxygen supply

Intravenous antihistamines


A beta agonist if breathing difficulty is present.




Preventive measures of bee sting

  • Keep food containers and trash bins covered.
  • Avoid chance of flies with rotten vegetables, garbage or other wastes. Wasps may come.
  • Wear shoes when walking outside.
  • Don’t use clothing with bright colours or floral prints, while walking out. It can attract bees.
  • Keep car windows shut while driving.
  • Take care while gardening for damaging a beehive or wasp nest.
  • If you find any of them near your house, do not go to it. Get it removed by a professional with precaution.



Ayurvedic Concept of Bee sting

Ayurveda explains a vast variety of poisoning under the section Agadatantra or toxicology. It includes poisons of both plant & animal origin. Details of food poison & combined poisons are also explained with clinical presentations & treatment. Bee sting comes under Keeta visha or insect bite. The keeta visha can be of two types sccording to the pace of action in the body. It can be dushivisha causing chronic poisoning or pranahara that causing immediate death. In most cases, bee sting comes under dooshivisha leading to red, black or bluish discolouration of the area with swelling. In some cases, blisters will be seen around the sting spot. The patient may develop discomforts like kandu or itching, daha or burning sensation, visarpa or fast spreading painful red blisters on the skin, Paaki or suppuration etc. In some people, excessive thirst along with aversion to food are observed.

Ayurvedic Nidana of Brucellosis

                             Bee sting from honey bees come under makshika poisoning that leads to discomforts like:

                             Daaha – burning sensation

                             Jwara – fever

                             Muurccha – black outs

Ayurvedic treatment for Bee sting

                             The predominant dosha in the bee sting is Pitta. So the medicines and therapies should be Ruksha(dry) and Seeta(cooling) in nature. Both internal medicines and local applications are given in patients suffering from bee sting. Mostly the external applications work as stambhana or arresting the ovement and circulation of fluids in the channels of the body. Commonly used medicines include:

                             Patolakaturohinyadi kashayam

                             Nimbadi kashayam

                             Sonitamrutam kashayam

                             Drakshadi kashayam

                             Villwadi gulika

Karutha Marma Gulika Lepam



Herbal Preparations for Bee sting

                             Mix of sandal wood paste and gairika

                             Fresh and organic aloe vera pulp

                             Herbal paste of Neem leaves and turmeric

                             Herbal paste of witch hazel

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Dr. Rajesh Nair
Medicina Ayurveda, India

El Dr. Rajesh Nair, cofundador y asesor jefe de Ayurvedaforall.Com, es licenciado por el prestigioso Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College (afiliado a la Universidad de Calicut), Kerala, India. Además, posee un Diploma de Postgrado en Yoga Terapéutico por la Universidad de Annamalai.

El Dr. Nair ofrece consultas en dos concurridas clínicas situadas en Haripad y sus alrededores, Alleppey, Kerala, el estado meridional famoso en todo el mundo por sus auténticos tratamientos y médicos ayurvédicos. Además de ofrecer consultas sobre todos los aspectos de los tratamientos ayurvédicos, el Dr. Nair tiene un interés especial en Panchkarma, Yoga y Masaje.

A través de Ayurvedaforall, el Dr. Nair ofrece consultas en línea a pacientes de todo el mundo y ha atendido a cientos de pacientes en los últimos 20 años. Además de su consulta ayurvédica, es editor jefe de ayurveda-amai.org, el portal en línea de la Asociación Médica Ayurveda de la India, y secretario del Comité Estatal de Kerala de la Asociación Médica Ayurveda de la India.

El Dr. Nair es ponente habitual en conferencias relacionadas con el Ayurveda y ha visitado Alemania para propagar el Ayurveda. Puede escribirle directamenterajesh@ayurvedaforall.com

Whatsapp - +91 9446918019, +91 8075810816






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