Rhulief Plus



Arthritis Management   Composition Bio curcumax (Curcuminoids 90%) : 50mg Boswellic Acid (With AKBA 10%) : 300mg Chingati Satva (Glucosamine HCL) : 150mg   Arthritis is the condition of inflammatory joints in human body. Many of the people in the middle-aged group are troubled by Chronic Arthritic painful conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylytis etc. Biocurcumax, Curcumin reconstituted for enhanced bioavailability, is a patented invention from Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd. Biocurcumax offers inhibition of Pro inflammatory mediators like harmful prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, C-Reactive proteases, Tumor necrosis factors (TNF) Nuclear Factors (NF kappa B) etc. for a spectrum of inhibition unmatched by the conventional approaches. Biocurcumax inhibits only the bad prostaglandins. In fact Curcumin enhances the synthesis of Good Prostaglandins. Boswellic Acids in the AKBAmax are the selected Active Acetyl Boswellic Acids where as the conventional Boswellia serrata Extracts contain, the active, inactive as well as the counteractive Boswellic acids. AKBAmax offers protection to the lungs and respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract in addition to having a protective effect on the liver and kidney. Chingati Satwa, the source of Glucosamine in Rhulief Plus helps to repair and regenerate the cartilage by enhancing the synthesis of GAG and provide pain relief and improved mobility. Rhulief Plus soothes Joints by relieving the pain, swelling and stiffness and reduced mobility associated with various Arthritic painful conditions, especially in the case of osteo arthritic conditions. Rhulief Plus is having beneficial effects on heart by increasing levels of Good Prostaglandin that cleans the artery walls of the plaques etc, lowering of Cholesterol levels, preventing lipid peroxidation etc. Rhulief Plus also has good effects on Gastro intestinal tract by maintaining the integrity with good prostaglandins, increasing mucin secretion, protecting from ulceration and inflammatory bowel disorders. Dietary supplement, not for medicinal use.   Presentation 500mg Hard Gelatin CapsulesPack: Food grade HDPE bottles of 30’s, 90’sRecommended Usage: 1-2 Capsules twice daily

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Weight 30 g


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